madhur behl outreach

F1/10 International Autonomous Racing Competitions

International compeitions + tutorials for undergraduate and graduate students at leading conference venues.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Week 2018

Embedded Systems (ES) Week 2016

FIRST Robotics

Hosting Techie Turtles - Middle School FIRST robotics team

madhur behl outreach
madhur behl outreach
madhur behl outreach

We Code Too

Hosting a Charlottesville based initiative to create a pipeline for minorities and young people to get into STEM via learning coding.

madhur behl outreach
madhur behl outreach

Senator Mark Warren's Visit

My student Matt Kearns demos our autonomous race cars to US senator Warren.

madhur behl outreach
madhur behl outreach

Undergraduate F1/10 Autonomous Racing Course